12 Watercolor Projects For Kids To Learn Art

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Watercolor Projects For Kids: Creative and Fun

Welcome, fellow crafters, to a world of kid-friendly art. If you are interested in helping your little one learn the basics of art and crafts, then this selection of 12 Watercolor Projects For Kids To Learn Art will help you do just that!

I’ve put together this collection to help you find the right way to teach little ones how to make art and appreciate it at the same time.

These fun watercolor projects will be ideal whether you are looking for a way to keep them busy on a rainy day or simply find a way to introduce art into their lives as early as possible. Of course, little ones need special tutorials that are going to help them learn without getting bored or distracted, too.

This list has lots of choices on it. There’s an abstract, calming watercolor project. Or, a sun and moon two-tone project to help explore nature as well as art.

For those who want something a bit bolder, there is a bee and honeycomb option that looks like stained glass. Similarly. There is a tie-dyed spider web and spider that is also a great choice for nature lovers.

If your little one wants to make a present for a book lover in their lives, the watercolor bookmarks are great ways to a dd personalization and work on a simple, small project as well.

Since these use watercolors and simple craft supplies, these are also great choices for children (and parents) to personalize their art on a budget.

Since no two will ever be the exact same, it’s a great teaching opportunity on unique art and customizing, too!

Projects like these can also help young learners appreciate the power of art and just how important it is to the world, as well.

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Check Out These Watercolor Projects For Teaching Kids To Learn Art

If you really enjoy the idea of trying these kids watercolor worksheets, take some time to scroll through each of the 12 tutorials on this list.

Since they all focus on a few different features, you’ll want to ensure that you are getting the right option for the young budding artist in your household!

I had a hard time choosing my favorite, which is probably the best part! Plus, since these are designed for learners of all experience levels, everyone can enjoy working on these without feeling overwhelmed by complexity!

When you have made your starting choice, click on the link, and you’ll be taken to the designer’s page to get to work. You will not need to log in or sign up. Just enjoy the project whenever you are ready to start!

Don’t forget to share this with anyone else you think will enjoy it!

Beautiful Watercolor Butterfly Painting for Kids to Make

1. Beautiful Watercolor Butterfly Painting for Kids to Make - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Butterfly Painting is a beautiful artwork that kids can make. It uses oil pastels and watercolors together, which is easy and fun for kids. The oil pastels stop the colors from mixing, so it’s simple to paint different parts of the butterfly. Kids will love seeing how colors blend and trying new ways to paint with watercolors. It’s a great way for them to be creative and make something lovely to show off.

Designer: ProjectswithKids
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paper
  • Watercolor paint
  • Black oil pastel
  • Wooden board and painters tape (optional)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Coarse salt (optional)
  • Pencil and eraser

Format: Handmade

Watercolour Monster Straw Painting Art

2. Watercolour Monster Straw Painting Art - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolour Monster Straw Painting Art is full of friendly, fuzzy monsters that kids will love. Created with bright colours and a fun straw-blowing technique, these cheerful paintings are sure to make children smile.

Designer: Adventure in a Box
Materials Used:

  • Liquid watercolours
  • Watercolour paper
  • Circle stickers

Format: Handmade

Calming Watercolour Art

3. Calming Watercolour Art - Arty Crafty Crew

This Calming Watercolour Art is a simple and cute piece that kids can enjoy doing. It’s easy to start and offers many ways to create. If you want a peaceful art activity for kids, this watercolour art is a great choice. It’s a calm and lovely artwork for everyone to enjoy.

Designer: Arty Crafty Kids
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paper
  • Sharpie pen
  • Watercolors

Format: Handmade

Sun and Moon Watercolor Project

4. Sun and Moon Watercolor Project - Arty Crafty Crew

This Sun and Moon Watercolor Art shows a bright smiling sun and a calm moon, highlighted with warm and cool colors. Made with oil pastels and watercolor, this art is simple yet colorful, and it’s great as a colorful piece that’s great for a child’s room or any space where kids play and learn.

Designer: Amy of make and takes
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paper or sturdy drawing paper
  • Black permanent marker
  • Bowl or lid (for tracing a circle)
  • Oil pastels
  • Watercolors and brushes
  • Optional: gold or silver permanent markers

Format: Handmade

How to Make a Beautiful Watercolor Flower Painting

5. How to Make a Beautiful Watercolor Flower Painting - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Flower Painting is a cheerful and colorful piece that kids will love. With bright colors and a fun design, it’s great for adding a splash of joy to any child’s room or play area. It’s also a perfect way to bring the beauty of flowers and art into their space.

Designer: ProjectswithKids
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paper (we used 11 x 15-inch paper cut down to 11 x 11 inches)
  • Watercolor paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Water dish
  • Black oil pastel
  • Painters tape optional
  • Wooden board, thick cardboard, or thick corrugated plastic (optional)

Format: Handmade

Unique Watercolor Bookmarks Easy Process Art for Kids

6. Unique Watercolor Bookmarks Easy Process Art for Kids - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Bookmark is a colorful piece of art made just right for kids. They are perfect for kids to give as gifts on special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or to their teachers and friends. It’s a bookmark that brings joy and keeps special moments close.

Designer: ProjectswithKids
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paper cut to 5 x 7 inches.
  • Watercolor Paints
  • Salt, we used coarse and fine salt
  • Painters tape
  • Wooden boards to tape your projects to
  • Paint and water containers
  • Decorative edged scissors
  • Hole punch (optional, only if using ribbon)
  • Stamps and ink of your choosing
  • Ribbon in your choice of colors (optional)

Format: Handmade

Bee Art Activity – Watercolor Crayon Resist

7. Bee Art Activity _ Watercolor Crayon Resist - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Bee Art Activity is a fun and colorful way to show the amazing work of bees. It’s a picture that you can hang up to remind everyone how bees help our planet. It’s great for kids to learn about bees and the big job they do for us all.

Designer: Sarah of How WEE Learn
Materials Used:

  • White paper (watercolor paper is ideal!)
  • Pencil
  • Black crayon or pastel
  • Watercolors or watered-down paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Hexagon pattern block (optional)

Format: Handmade

How to Make a Beautiful Watercolor Spider Web

8. How to Make a Beautiful Watercolor Spider Web - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Spider Web art is a beautiful piece that kids love to make and look at. The colors mix together in a special way to create a spider web that’s different every time. It’s a fun and peaceful activity for children and a great way for them to show their creativity. Each painting is special, making it a great gift or a colorful addition to any room.

Designer: Megan Kapple of onelittleproject
Materials Used:

  • Paper Plate
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Watercolor Paints
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Black Pipe Cleaners
  • Paint Brush

Format: Handmade

Bright & Fun Watercolor Resist Citrus Painting for Kids

9. Bright & Fun Watercolor Resist Citrus Painting for Kids - Arty Crafty Crew

This bright Watercolor Resist Citrus Painting is a fun art piece for kids! It uses lively colors that pop out with a special technique, making the citrus shapes show up as they paint. It’s super easy for kids of any age and makes a cute decoration for any space.

Designer: ProjectswithKids
Materials Used:

  • Watercolor paint
  • Watercolor paper
  • White oil pastel
  • Paintbrushes
  • Wooden board or somewhere to tape down your paper
  • Painter’s tape
  • Large plastic lid to use as a template, or cardboard to make your own template
  • Water dish
  • Paint palette

Format: Handmade

Watercolor Paper Plate Butterflies

10. Watercolor Paper Plate Butterflies - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor Paper Plate Butterfly is a simple and beautiful craft. It’s made with bright watercolor paints and pretty washi tape. It’s perfect to decorate any space and makes a great gift. Kids and adults will love this colorful butterfly.

Designer: Becky James of The Crafting Chicks
Materials Used:

  • White paper dessert plate
  • Watercolor paints
  • Craft stick
  • Washi tape/Magic markers
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Scissors
  • Tacky glue

Format: Handmade

Awesome Watercolor Rainy Day Painting for Kids to Make

11. Awesome Watercolor Rainy Day Painting for Kids to Make - Arty Crafty Crew

This “Rainy Day Delight” watercolor art is a bright and fun piece. It shows a colorful umbrella using oil pastels that stand out against the rain, made by blowing paint with a straw. It’s a cheerful piece that brings a creative playful touch to any space.

Designer: ProjectswithKids
Materials Used:

  • Printable umbrella template
  • Watercolor paper
  • Watercolor paint (you can use a watercolor set or liquid watercolors for this project)
  • Paintbrush
  • Oil pastels
  • Paint palette and water dish
  • Scissors and a pencil
  • Paper straws

Format: Handmade

Jellyfish Art Project for Kids

12. Jellyfish Art Project for Kids - Arty Crafty Crew

This Watercolor & Glue Jellyfish Art is a beautiful piece that is perfect for kids to try and enjoy. Made with bright colors and simple shapes, it looks just like a real jellyfish and adds a fun touch to any room. Hang it up in a classroom or a child’s bedroom for a sea-themed decoration that everyone will appreciate.

Designer: The CRAFTY Classroom
Materials Used:

  • Jellyfish Template (Optional)
  • Watercolor Pens or Cakes
  • Watercolor Paper
  • Clear Glue

Format: Handmade

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